Steam 下架「Age of Rust」並聲明禁止鏈遊,Epic Games:我們歡迎
近日,全球最大電子遊戲商 Steam 更新規則表明,禁止在 Steam 上發布有關「基於區塊鏈技術構建、允許交換加密貨幣及NFT」的應用程式,並下架了「Age of Rust」遊戲,消息一發布後立即引起譁然。
Steam 下架區塊鏈遊戲「Age of Rust」
Age of Rust 是一款採用 Enjin 區塊鏈技術的遊戲,團隊認為鏈遊以及 NFT 是未來發展的趨勢,這也是當初選在 Steam 提前布局的原因,沒想到最後遭 Steam 下架,雖然很失望但也給予尊重。Age of Rust 團隊也承諾日後會把精力重新投入到遊戲開發中,創造更多的 NFT,並賦予社區權力,而不是單獨與 Steam 對抗。
We chose to be upfront about blockchain gaming & NFTs. As a result, we finally lost the battle with Steam. While I'm disappointed for Age of Rust being removed, the point is more to the fact that Blockchain games as whole are going to be removed. This is setback for all.
2/4— Age of Rust (@SpacePirate_io) October 14, 2021
At this point, we will put our energy back into gamedev, creating more NFTs, & empowering the community than try to fight Steam alone. We will continue to publish our @madewithunity game elsewhere. We are moving forward, we ❤ NFTs, we ❤ @enjin, and ❤ our community. Onward!
4/4— Age of Rust (@SpacePirate_io) October 14, 2021
(圖片來源:Age of Rust)
Epic Game 表示張開雙臂歡迎
知名遊戲「要塞英雄」開發商 Epic Game 的 CEO – Tim Sweeney 在自己私人的推特上表示:
在遵守相關法律、披露其條款並由適當的群體進行年齡分級的前提下,Epic Game 是非常歡迎區塊鏈遊戲的。
As a technology, the blockchain is just a distributed transactional database with a decentralized business model that incentivize investment in hardware to expand the database's capacity. This has utility whether or not a particular use of it succeeds or fails.
— Tim Sweeney (@TimSweeneyEpic) October 15, 2021